The Digital Lab

LIMS: The Key to Greener, More Efficient Laboratories

Prevent High Efficiency Losses in your lab– the crucial role of interfaces in LIMS

Defining KPIs and SMART Goals when implementing a LIMS

iLES in the Cloud:

Focus: iLES

iLES: The powerful platform for laboratories

Revolutionize Your Inventory Management

Digital Transformation in the Lab

The iLES Platform: Redefining Productivity, Efficiency, and Digitalization Opportunities

The 5 Key Trends for Greater Efficiency and Sustainable Work

The iLES platform

Process optimization in Lab 4.0

The road to digital lab transformation

Scientific data management systems (SDMS)

The Digital Lab

Entities: The invisible heroes of laboratory automation

The future is now: LEAN Lab in 2023

Entities in the Digital Lab

The Future of the Lab

LEAN Lab: Efficiency and Innovation for German Laboratories

The Entity Concept in the Digitization of a Laboratory

LIMS with SAP interface

Process optimization in the laboratory

Lab Execution System - LES

Digital inventory management

Digitization in the lab:

Making documentation simpler and more complete

Responding to a changing professional environment with the digital lab

More precision in the digital lab

Smart Lab

The digital lab and the "Big Quit"

Digital data

On the Way to the Data Factory of the Future

Taking off in 2022 with process optimization in the laboratory

What is the digitalization status of life science laboratories?

The digital lab and data security

Lab Automation? Our lab has no capacity for that!

The Age of the Internet of Lab Things is Here

Pharma 4.0

Tangible benefits for laboratories through lean management?

Collaborating more efficiently

Why we like the cloud so much

Let's build bridges!

With iVention to the optimal instrument management in the laboratory

With iVention to the optimal inventory management in the laboratory

2021 - The year of digitalization in the lab?

The Digital Lab in 2021

Home office and laboratory work

Inventory Management with iVention iLes

Let us build bridges!

What exactly is a lean lab?

7 reasons why you too should rely on a SDMS in the laboratory

What exactly is a lean lab?

More efficient laboratory work through sophisticated networking

Limits of today's laboratory IT landscape

The Digital Lab in Corona times

What exactly is a... LES?

Digital data: The innovation driver in the laboratory

The Digital Laboratory - It's time to clean up!

What if ...

Digital lab? We do not need it!

No more data chaos in the lab!

iVention continues to expand its services in DACH

LIMS and the Smart Lab of the Future

No more wasting working time?

Why you should start now