The Digital Lab

No more data chaos in the lab!

Nov 11, 2019 12:00:00 AM / by Paul Planje

On a fully average working day, a lot of data is generated in a laboratory. Even if your laboratory has been working with computers for a long time: Collecting, sorting, indexing and centralizing different data records is and remains a real time consumer. The enormous amount of work can be efficiently reduced by modern, digital support! The magic word here is: SDMS.

SDMS is a scientific data management system that serves the centralized administration of generated instrument data and documents generated in the laboratory. SDMS is your personal "cloud" - a data storage for all your files and documents and thus the knowledge that is generated daily in your laboratory. SDMS gives your teams the ability to access and share information across departments. But that's not all: Thanks to comprehensive analysis functions, even unstructured data records are prepared in such a way that they can be easily searched using keywords, values or diagrams! In addition, user-defined workflows reduce throughput times: You specify which employees are allowed to review and approve which documents, and the SDMS does the rest.

Another important point in our modern working world: SDMS allows you to access the stored information from any location. No matter where in the world you are: You can access your data records and research results at any time via any web browser.

Would you like to find out more about SDMS and how it can be used in your laboratory? Then write to us or give us a call. Our experts are already looking forward to inspiring you with the digital laboratory of the future
Paul Planje

Written by Paul Planje

Ich arbeite seit 1992 an Themen wie Effizienz und Produktivitätssteigerung. Zunächst in den Bereichen Labor und Forschung. Hier machte ich meine Erfahrungen mit analytischen Instrumenten und Automatisierung. Mit dem Wechsel in den Vertrieb kamen Unternehmenslösungen wie Scientific Data Management Systems (SDMS), Laborinformationssysteme (LIMS), Laboratory Execution Systems (LES), Elektronische Laborzeitschriften (ELN) und Dokumentenmanagementsysteme (DMS) hinzu. In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich mit der Digitalisierung von Prozessen und deren Messungen beschäftigt. Seit 2019 leite ich die iVention DACH-Region und unterstütze unsere Kunden beim Einstieg in die digitale Laborwelt.