The Digital Lab

The digital lab and the "Big Quit"

May 4, 2022 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje

microbiology_1-1- how digitization can break the wave of layoffs

Since the beginning of 2021, a phenomenon has been observed worldwide that has been aptly named "Big Quit" in the USA. An above-average number of people have quit their jobs since spring 2021. The Corona pandemic has opened up a unique opportunity for employees - namely the option to rethink their own lives, careers, goals and working conditions. After weeks or months in the home office or even with the relocation of the workplace to other countries, a return to the usual workplace is not always easy, even in laboratories - or does not take place at all. The phenomenon of the "big quit" has also hit the laboratory industry hard. Skilled workers are scarce, experienced specialists have changed employers or even the industry, and perspectives, demands and needs have changed, sometimes radically. Classic "benefits" are no longer enough to find qualified personnel on the labor market. Can the digitalization of laboratories be the key to less employee turnover, more satisfaction and the long-term retention of high potentials in a laboratory?

One thing is clear: all companies must face up to digitization. And in doing so, break completely new ground, also and above all with regard to employees' working methods. Modern, easily accessible laboratory management systems such as LIMS from iVention automate routine tasks, accelerate workflows, facilitate internal laboratory "team play" between different departments and free employees from time-consuming, unfortunately often unchallenging, even boring tasks. This leaves more time for the actual work - and for developing their own skills. And not only that: digitization in the lab ensures a better work-life balance. A "benefit" that more and more employees are putting at the top of their wish list for the perfect employer.

Would you like to learn more about the topic of digitalization in the lab or would you like to know how we at iVention can simplify work in the lab on a daily basis with our intelligent solutions? Then get in touch with us right now! We are already looking forward to introducing you to the fascinating world of modern, digital solutions for the laboratory! 

Paul Planje

Written by Paul Planje

I have been working since 1992 on subjects such as efficiency and Productivity increase. Initially in the laboratory and research sectors. Here I made my experiences with analytical instruments and automation. With the change to sales, enterprise solutions such as Scientific Data Management Systems (SDMS), Laboratory Information Systems (LIMS), Laboratory Execution Systems (LES), Electronic Laboratory Journals (ELN) and Document Management Systems (DMS) were added. In the last years I was engaged in the digitization of processes and their measurements. Scince 2019 I'm running the iVention DACH region supporting our customers to move into the digital lab world.