The Digital Lab

What exactly is a lean lab?

Jul 9, 2020 2:46:56 PM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Lean Lab


When talking about the digitalisation of laboratories, terms are often mentioned which at first glance are not necessarily understandable. Therefore, we dedicate ourselves to these terms in loose succession and shed some light on the subject. Today it's all about the "Lean Lab". If you want to know what Lean Lab means and what this has to do with the digitalization of a laboratory, you should definitely read on!

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7 reasons why you too should rely on a SDMS in the laboratory

Jul 2, 2020 12:00:00 AM / by Paul Planje


SDMS, the Scientific Data Management System, allows the central storage of scientific data in a single location. So far, so good - but not really convincing in this short time. Therefore we give you 7 solid reasons why you should rely on SDMS in your laboratory.
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What exactly is a lean lab?

Jun 15, 2020 12:00:00 AM / by Paul Planje


When talking about the digitalisation of laboratories, terms are often mentioned which at first glance are not necessarily understandable. Therefore, we dedicate ourselves to these terms in loose succession and shed some light on the subject. Today it's all about the "Lean Lab". If you want to know what Lean Lab means and what this has to do with the digitalization of a laboratory, you should definitely read on!
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More efficient laboratory work through sophisticated networking

Apr 22, 2020 12:00:00 AM / by Paul Planje


In everyday life we are all pretty well "digitalized". We pass the time in lockdown with streaming on-demand, control light and heating via smartphone and store our images in the cloud. The workday in the lab, on the other hand, often looks quite different. Here, important data is recorded manually and stored on paper in file folders. Whether a laboratory device is free or occupied by a colleague*, we don't find out centrally via a database, but exactly on site at the actual laboratory device.
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Limits of today's laboratory IT landscape

Mar 27, 2020 12:00:00 AM / by Paul Planje


The limits of the IT laboratory landscape in times of Corona
The fact that Germany, but also the rest of Europe, still has a lot of catching up to do in terms of the extended IT landscape is particularly evident in the current situation. The Corona virus is paralyzing the world - and we can't do much more than watch. In many laboratories, too, life is currently at a standstill. The virus clearly shows where the limits of our current IT landscape lie in the laboratory.
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