The Digital Lab

The Digital Lab in Corona times

Mar 23, 2020 12:00:00 AM / by Paul Planje


Probably none of us would have suspected just a few weeks ago that Europe would become a sealed-off trouble zone within a very short time. The new corona virus is powerfully paralysing social life in virtually every country, and it is not yet clear when something like normality will return to our everyday lives. Smart ideas and new ways of working are now needed to keep things "running smoothly" despite the greatest restrictions on our lives since World War II.
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What exactly is a... LES?

Feb 19, 2020 12:00:00 AM / by Paul Planje


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Digital data: The innovation driver in the laboratory

Jan 16, 2020 12:00:00 AM / by Paul Planje


Even if you would probably assume the following sentence from the lips of data companies, it also and especially applies to everyday laboratory work: Data is the most important capital of the 21st century! After all, the data sets obtained in everyday laboratory work form the basis for any innovation - and innovations can be marketed very well. So far, so clear, however: Do you also know which strategy you can use in your laboratory to extract as much information as possible from your existing data sets?
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The Digital Laboratory - It's time to clean up!

Dec 18, 2019 12:00:00 AM / by Paul Planje


Laboratory clearing out - It's time to clean up!

If you ask people who have nothing to do with working in the laboratory about their first thoughts on the subject of the laboratory, the answers will be quite uniform. You will often hear "sterile clean rooms", sometimes also "technically sober surroundings" or "always perfectly tidied up". And yes, in some cases these ideas may even correspond to reality. However, in 2020 we will also see much more laboratories in which stacks of paper are lined up one after the other. Surrounded by folders and files, with printed regulations in front of them on the laboratory table, work is done, researched and analyzed. Particularly in science and teaching, extensive documentation is essential in order to record observations and results permanently on the one hand - and to share them on the other.
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What if ...

Dec 4, 2019 12:00:00 AM / by Paul Planje


...our workplace would communicate with us? No, we are not talking about our never-ending smalltalking colleagues or about our daily meetings (in which more is said than is said anyway). Rather, we want to devote ourselves to digital voice control, which can provide significantly increased efficiency in the laboratory of the future.
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