The Digital Lab

More precision in the digital lab

Jul 20, 2022 11:00:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in Lean Lab, Platform, Pharma, Digital transformation, _Platform, iLES


Maximum precision is required in laboratories. Modern data loggers and sensors already allow extremely reliable recording of all kinds of measured values. To ensure that there is no loss of accuracy during data transmission and subsequent analysis, more and more laboratories are relying on new interfaces that seamlessly network data loggers, LIMS and peripheral devices.

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Smart Lab

Jun 27, 2022 11:00:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Digitalisation, Digital transformation, _Platform, Cloud Technology, Informatics


 - Close cooperation between man and machine in the laboratory of the future

Digitization presents laboratories around the world with numerous challenges - and brings with it new obligations. Sustainably optimized data integrity, increased transparency and improved usability are just some of the points that the laboratories of the (near) future will have to implement. The smart lab is already a reality today and is constantly evolving. The interaction between man and machine in the lab of the future must also develop at the same pace - because this is the only way to fully exploit the benefits of digitization in the lab. The ILES platform from iVention opens the way to the smart lab of the future. Fast, efficient and inexpensive information transfer between staff and equipment, simplified documentation routines and location-independent exchange of results: ILES enables a completely new, close cooperation between man and machine in the lab of the future.
Increased automation for effective work processes.

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Digital data

Mar 15, 2022 12:00:00 PM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Platform, Digital transformation, Digitalization, DigitalTransformation, _Platform, iLES, Cloud Technology


The guarantee for good ideas in the lab of the future

When you think of data aggregators, data industries such as Facebook, eCommerce and, of course, the world's most famous "data octopus," Google, certainly come to mind. But the fact that a laboratory in the 21st century also collects data about data is still something that very few laboratory employees are aware of. Yet, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, data represents the optimal basis for sustainable success - after all, data enables the development of marketable ideas and products.

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On the Way to the Data Factory of the Future

Feb 1, 2022 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in Lean Lab, Platform, Digital transformation, Research, Cloud Technology


The more digitized our laboratories become, the more extensively IT structures network devices, locations and employees, the faster results are obtained, shared and evaluated. One thing is certain: the digital laboratory will become a data factory. Enormous amounts of data have to be processed and managed day after day. The flood of data is becoming a challenge - not only for daily operations, but also for management.

One of the greatest current challenges is to automate the previous, manual processes within a laboratory - and then to integrate the processes into existing laboratory information management systems. With the iVention iLES platform, we are addressing exactly this point. iVention iLES is a highly integrable, web-based platform that transforms laboratory data into valuable, digital information. iLES is scalable and fully customizable to the individual needs of each laboratory. With intelligent features and the ability to be fully networked, iLES not only increases flexibility, but also cost-effectiveness. "By the way", iLES is a powerful tool when it comes to processing and managing large amounts of data - Big Data.

No fear of data floods - this is the approach we at iVention take with iLES. We accompany our customers from A - Z, i.e. from the first consultation to the setup to the daily use. Because we know exactly which hurdles await users when switching from the "classic" to the digital laboratory of the future. Why not give us a try right now? We look forward to hearing from you. We would be happy to work with you to develop the optimal solution for your laboratory's transition to digitalization!

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Taking off in 2022 with process optimization in the laboratory

Jan 10, 2022 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in Lean Lab, Digitalisation, Platform, Digital transformation, iLES, Cloud Technology


The new year is only a few days old and yet it is already apparent that 2022 will once again be a year of digitization. With the omicron mutant, the pandemic is now entering its third year - the digital networking of laboratories worldwide has probably never been as important as it is today. Rapid exchange of results, smooth communication and the perfect interaction of a wide variety of interfaces are the basis for research results that will (hopefully) quickly rid us all of the Corona virus. Higher productivity, increased efficiency and significantly expanded effectiveness at work: the Internet of Lab Things brings with it possibilities that probably no one could have imagined 20 years ago.

But what exactly does it mean for you when end-to-end digital processes are introduced in your lab? When your instrument management runs on a single platform in the future, your lab devices communicate with each other, and you always have your LEAN Lab "in your pocket" even on business trips thanks to mobile devices?
Well, first of all, digitization means getting used to a new way of thinking. Away from insular thinking, away from managing huge mountains of paper - and toward a digitally driven working world. The digital lab of the near future brings with it automated processes that free people from time-consuming routine work. And create space. Space for creative approaches to solutions, for faster research results and an exchange of ideas across all boundaries.

We would like to use the start of 2022 for an exchange with you. Do you see opportunities in the digitization of laboratories - or do you rather fear risks? We look forward to your messages and an exciting, constructive exchange of ideas!

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