The Digital Lab

The future is now: LEAN Lab in 2023

Jun 12, 2023 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in Lean Lab, Platform, Digital transformation, Digitalization


In the digital age, the concept of the lab has fundamentally changed. One of the most innovative concepts to emerge in recent years is the LEAN Lab. But what exactly is a LEAN Lab and why is it more relevant than ever in 2023?

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The Future of the Lab

Apr 3, 2023 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in Lean Lab, Digitalisation, Digital transformation, Cloud Technology, Scientific Workflows


 Internet of Lab Things and Smart Lab

The Internet of Lab Things (IoLT) and Smart Lab are innovative concepts that are revolutionizing the way laboratories work. By connecting devices, systems, and data sources, they enable more efficient and precise lab work. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of IoLT and Smart Lab in laboratory operations.

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LEAN Lab: Efficiency and Innovation for German Laboratories

Apr 3, 2023 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Lean Lab, Digitalisation, Platform, Digital transformation, Cloud Technology, Informatics


Introduction to the LEAN Lab concept

The LEAN Lab concept is a modern approach to make laboratories more efficient and productive. The basic principles of LEAN management are applied to laboratories to reduce waste, optimize processes and increase the quality of results. German laboratories can benefit from this method by promoting innovation and increasing their competitiveness.

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The Entity Concept in the Digitization of a Laboratory

Mar 27, 2023 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Lean Lab, Digitalisation, Platform, Digital transformation, Cloud Technology, Informatics


The digitization of laboratories poses significant challenges for the individuals and institutions involved, particularly in terms of handling the data generated by the many devices and processes. To enable effective analysis and interpretation of the data, it is critical that it be structured and organized in a way that is accessible and understandable to all users. In this context, the entity concept plays an important role.

The entity concept describes the structuring of data by identifying entities and their relationships to each other. An entity is an object that stands for itself and is considered in the context of other entities within the system. In the laboratory, for example, entities can be equipment, samples, test results, or employees. Defining entities and their relationships to each other creates a structured data model that enables effective analysis and interpretation of data.

Using the entity concept in a digital laboratory offers numerous advantages. Structuring the data not only makes it more accessible to the user, but also optimizes it for machine processing and analysis. In addition, the concept makes it easier to search and query data and enables better integration with other systems and processes.

However, some challenges must also be considered when implementing the entity concept in a digital laboratory. In particular, the complexity and diversity of entities can make implementation difficult. Therefore, it is important to perform careful planning and structuring to achieve an optimal result.

In summary, the entity concept is a crucial factor in the digitization of a laboratory. Structuring the data makes it more accessible and easier to integrate. However, careful planning and implementation are essential to take full advantage of the concept. When selecting a digital laboratory system, it is therefore advisable to make sure that it supports the entity concept and that it is included in the planning and implementation.

What is the situation like in your day-to-day laboratory work? Is the digital transformation already in full swing - or are you still considering how to implement digitization in a targeted manner? We would be happy to actively support you on your way to Lab 4.0! Why not get in touch with us directly?

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LIMS with SAP interface

Mar 6, 2023 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in Platform, Digital transformation, Digitalization, Data Science, Cloud Technology


 What are the benefits for your lab?

The digital laboratory of the future relies on automated technologies to improve laboratory efficiency, productivity and overall research quality. The focus is often on connectivity between an existing ERP system and LIMS. LIMS stands for "Laboratory Information Management System." A LIMS is software used by laboratories to manage and organize processes and data related to laboratory activities. LIMS can encompass a variety of functions, such as sample and test management, workflow monitoring, results tracking, laboratory inventory management, reporting, and regulatory compliance. By using LIMS, laboratories can make their work more efficient and accurate by automating manual processes, standardizing data collection, improving traceability of samples and results, and enhancing quality assurance through automated controls and audits.

One of the key benefits of SAP interfaces to LIMS in the digital lab is the improvement of data integration and analysis. ERP systems can collect, manage and integrate data from different laboratory systems to generate unified data. This helps companies make decisions based on sound data. Integrating laboratory and business data provides companies with a comprehensive view of their operations and helps them respond quickly to changes in the market.

Another important function of ERP systems is to optimize business processes. The integration of laboratory systems with SAP ERP systems simplifies the process of collecting and analyzing laboratory data. Automating routine tasks and workflows in laboratory systems and ERP systems saves time and resources and reduces errors. By automating processes, companies can also reduce costs by minimizing manual intervention and repetition.

SAP interfaces to LIMS also allow for improved traceability. Integrating LIMS with ERP systems improves traceability of materials and processes from raw material extraction to final product. This helps companies quickly identify and resolve quality issues and avoid product recalls.

What's your experience in the lab? Have you had any experience connecting LIMS to your ERP? Write us about your experiences - we look forward to a constructive exchange!

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