The Digital Lab

Paul Planje

I have been working since 1992 on subjects such as efficiency and Productivity increase. Initially in the laboratory and research sectors. Here I made my experiences with analytical instruments and automation. With the change to sales, enterprise solutions such as Scientific Data Management Systems (SDMS), Laboratory Information Systems (LIMS), Laboratory Execution Systems (LES), Electronic Laboratory Journals (ELN) and Document Management Systems (DMS) were added. In the last years I was engaged in the digitization of processes and their measurements. Scince 2019 I'm running the iVention DACH region supporting our customers to move into the digital lab world.
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Recent Posts

Taking off in 2022 with process optimization in the laboratory

Jan 10, 2022 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in Lean Lab, Digitalisation, Platform, Digital transformation, iLES, Cloud Technology


The new year is only a few days old and yet it is already apparent that 2022 will once again be a year of digitization. With the omicron mutant, the pandemic is now entering its third year - the digital networking of laboratories worldwide has probably never been as important as it is today. Rapid exchange of results, smooth communication and the perfect interaction of a wide variety of interfaces are the basis for research results that will (hopefully) quickly rid us all of the Corona virus. Higher productivity, increased efficiency and significantly expanded effectiveness at work: the Internet of Lab Things brings with it possibilities that probably no one could have imagined 20 years ago.

But what exactly does it mean for you when end-to-end digital processes are introduced in your lab? When your instrument management runs on a single platform in the future, your lab devices communicate with each other, and you always have your LEAN Lab "in your pocket" even on business trips thanks to mobile devices?
Well, first of all, digitization means getting used to a new way of thinking. Away from insular thinking, away from managing huge mountains of paper - and toward a digitally driven working world. The digital lab of the near future brings with it automated processes that free people from time-consuming routine work. And create space. Space for creative approaches to solutions, for faster research results and an exchange of ideas across all boundaries.

We would like to use the start of 2022 for an exchange with you. Do you see opportunities in the digitization of laboratories - or do you rather fear risks? We look forward to your messages and an exciting, constructive exchange of ideas!

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What is the digitalization status of life science laboratories?

Jan 4, 2022 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in Platform, Digital transformation, Digitalization, DigitalTransformation, Cloud Technology


The Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA has conducted a highly interesting study to determine the current state of digitization of laboratories operating in the life science sector. The central questions of the study revolved around the challenges and non-value-added activities that laboratory employees are confronted with during their daily work. The aim was to determine whether this could be linked to the current level of automation and digitization in the laboratories.

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The digital lab and data security

Nov 12, 2021 1:00:00 PM / by Paul Planje posted in Digitalisation, Platform, Pharma, Digital transformation, DigitalTransformation, _Platform, iLES


With digital transformation, more and more data is ending up in the cloud. This is also the case in the digital laboratory of the future. With the move to cloud-based services such as the iLES platform, work processes are becoming faster, access to the stored data easier and research results easier to evaluate. However, the use of digital technology also brings with it completely new problem areas. Data sets from everyday laboratory life are not only of interest to laboratory employees - but also to an army of cybercriminals. That's why we don't want to focus on the iVention modules and the iLES platform today - but on the cyber security factor.

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Lab Automation? Our lab has no capacity for that!

Oct 13, 2021 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in Platform


The implementation of a digital platform in the daily laboratory routine is expensive, time-consuming and cannot be managed without IT specialists. These are just some of the prejudices you hear about the digitalization of laboratories. But what is actually true about these prejudices? Is it really true that a digital platform - and its management - is more work than it is beneficial? Let's take a closer look at the iLES platform.

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The Age of the Internet of Lab Things is Here

Sep 9, 2021 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in Platform, Digitalization


Pharma 4.0 - The Age of the Internet of Lab Things is Here

Big Data, process optimization, automation, data visualization or end-to-end digital processes: Pharma 4.0 is a multifaceted thing. Digitization in the pharmaceutical industry is rapidly gaining momentum. With the Corona Pandemic as both catalyst and turbo, more and more pharma companies are getting "smart". Scalable and expandable platforms, highly integrated laboratory information and management systems, and electronic lab books enable faster research results, facilitated communication, and optimized collaboration, even and especially across national borders.

Pharma 4.0: What does that actually mean?
Digitalization has plunged the world into the fourth industrial revolution. The term Industry 4.0 refers to this. While the first industrial revolution was characterized by steam power and the second industrial revolution by assembly lines and mass production, the 1970s saw the first appearance of computers to support manufacturing. Now, in the fourth industrial revolution, the computer is also indispensable - but the main player is the Internet. Digitally networked machines and systems and an immensely increased level of automation - that is Industry 4.0. And just as the Internet of Things (IoT) is turning industry upside down, this is also happening in the pharmaceutical sector. Pharma 4.0 therefore describes digital process changes that explicitly affect the pharmaceutical industry.

Pharma 4.0 affects all areas
The European pharmaceutical industry has already been "forcibly" digitized in 2019. Through the Falsified Medicines Directive, cloud systems, state-of-the-art software and communication platforms have been implemented in the pharmaceutical industry. From pharmacies to hospitals, from laboratories to logistics companies, all areas of the pharmaceutical cosmos are involved in digitalization - and in a highly regulated environment. The pharmaceutical industry can be called a role model in terms of digitalization without exaggeration!

We would like to know from you: How much does digitalization in the context of Pharma 4.0 influence your daily work? Is your workplace already networked - or do you still have concerns about the implementation of digitalization in your laboratory, pharmacy or contract manufacturing company? We look forward to your feedback and many constructive discussions!

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