The Digital Lab

Digitization in the lab:

Dec 12, 2022 1:00:00 PM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Digitalisation, Digital transformation, iLES, Cloud Technology, Scientific Workflows, Informatics


What practical advantages do digital solutions actually bring?

Digitization has made enormous progress in many areas of life in recent years, and the laboratory is also benefiting from this development. By using digital technologies and systems, processes can be optimized and efficiency increased, which in turn leads to improved results and faster research progress.actually bring?

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Responding to a changing professional environment with the digital lab

Sep 27, 2022 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Lean Lab, Digitalisation, Platform, Digital transformation, Data Science, Cloud Technology, Informatics


Our professional world is changing. This is also and especially true in the numerous laboratories of Germany, Europe and the world. Studies show that so-called mid-level qualifications in particular are increasingly disappearing. While the existing core workforce of medical assistants, laboratory technicians or biological-technical assistants in many cases still learned the old, "analog" tools of the trade - including the performance of standard tasks - Generation Z employees are now moving up the ranks. The new generation is highly qualified, digitalized all around and highly trained in the areas of development, research and experiment design. Interest in non-value-added routine tasks, on the other hand: Not at all. With the digital laboratory of the future, it is possible to respond optimally to the changing professional environment.

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Smart Lab

Jun 27, 2022 11:00:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Digitalisation, Digital transformation, _Platform, Cloud Technology, Informatics


 - Close cooperation between man and machine in the laboratory of the future

Digitization presents laboratories around the world with numerous challenges - and brings with it new obligations. Sustainably optimized data integrity, increased transparency and improved usability are just some of the points that the laboratories of the (near) future will have to implement. The smart lab is already a reality today and is constantly evolving. The interaction between man and machine in the lab of the future must also develop at the same pace - because this is the only way to fully exploit the benefits of digitization in the lab. The ILES platform from iVention opens the way to the smart lab of the future. Fast, efficient and inexpensive information transfer between staff and equipment, simplified documentation routines and location-independent exchange of results: ILES enables a completely new, close cooperation between man and machine in the lab of the future.
Increased automation for effective work processes.

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Digital data

Mar 15, 2022 12:00:00 PM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Platform, Digital transformation, Digitalization, DigitalTransformation, _Platform, iLES, Cloud Technology


The guarantee for good ideas in the lab of the future

When you think of data aggregators, data industries such as Facebook, eCommerce and, of course, the world's most famous "data octopus," Google, certainly come to mind. But the fact that a laboratory in the 21st century also collects data about data is still something that very few laboratory employees are aware of. Yet, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, data represents the optimal basis for sustainable success - after all, data enables the development of marketable ideas and products.

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What exactly is a lean lab?

Jul 9, 2020 2:46:56 PM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Lean Lab


When talking about the digitalisation of laboratories, terms are often mentioned which at first glance are not necessarily understandable. Therefore, we dedicate ourselves to these terms in loose succession and shed some light on the subject. Today it's all about the "Lean Lab". If you want to know what Lean Lab means and what this has to do with the digitalization of a laboratory, you should definitely read on!

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