The Digital Lab

Let us build bridges!

Jul 24, 2020 12:01:01 PM / by Paul Planje posted in Lean Lab, Digitalisation


The conventional collection of data in a laboratory can be compared to islands in a large sea. The sea is the laboratory environment - our daily workplace. Individual teams, departments or even individual fighters swim in this sea. And generate data in the form of knowledge, results and statistics every day. The research results are written down in file folders, on notepads or in books, thus forming small islands of knowledge. As we know, islands, regardless of their size and shape, all have one thing in common: they have no permanent connection with each other.

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What exactly is a lean lab?

Jul 9, 2020 2:46:56 PM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Lean Lab


When talking about the digitalisation of laboratories, terms are often mentioned which at first glance are not necessarily understandable. Therefore, we dedicate ourselves to these terms in loose succession and shed some light on the subject. Today it's all about the "Lean Lab". If you want to know what Lean Lab means and what this has to do with the digitalization of a laboratory, you should definitely read on!

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