The Digital Lab

The Digital Lab

Aug 7, 2023 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in Platform, Digital transformation, Digitalization, iLES


In today's world, where digitization is becoming increasingly important in all areas of life, laboratories in Europe must also succeed in making the transition to a data-driven way of working. A major challenge, especially and particularly for small laboratories. This is exactly where iLES comes in, a platform that helps labs master the transition to the digital world.

iLES, the iVention Lab Execution System, is an innovative platform that offers a wide range of features for the digital lab of the future. iLES seamlessly integrates laboratory information systems (LIMS), electronic laboratory notebooks (ELN), scientific data management systems (SDMS) and data management systems (DMS) on one user-friendly platform.

The main mission of iLES is to help laboratories optimize their workflows and improve their efficiency and quality. The platform enables laboratories to work seamlessly collaboratively on upcoming projects in a completely paperless manner across multiple locations.

A major benefit of iLES is its ability to build bridges between the so-called "islands of data" that are still far too often created in today's labs. Data islands occur when data is stored in isolation in different systems or departments and is not linked together. This can lead to inefficiencies and impact a lab's ability to make informed decisions. iLES solves this problem by providing a centralized platform where all data can be collected, analyzed and managed.

The use of iLES brings with it numerous new approaches to solving the problem:

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Entities in the Digital Lab

May 5, 2023 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Lean Lab, Digitalisation, Platform, Animal Science, iLES, Cloud Technology, Informatics


The Future of Lab Automation

Entities, as physical or digital objects and processes, play a crucial role in laboratory workflows. Their integration into digital laboratory systems can optimize processes and unlock automation potential. In this paper, we take a look at the key aspects of entities in the digital lab, how they contribute to increasing efficiency and productivity, and discuss future trends and challenges.

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Process optimization in the laboratory

Feb 6, 2023 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in Lean Lab, Platform, Digital transformation, Digitalization, iLES, Cloud Technology, Informatics


Process optimization in the laboratory ensures that experiments are performed faster, more efficiently and more cost-effectively. There are many different ways to optimize processes in the laboratory, for example by using automated systems, optimizing workflows or introducing standardization measures. Process optimization can also help improve the quality of experiments by minimizing manual errors. If you are interested in how to optimize lab processes to achieve better results, then you should read on!

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Lab Execution System - LES

Jan 23, 2023 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in Lean Lab, Digital transformation, Digitalization, iLES, Cloud Technology


Automate Your Lab with a Lab Execution System

A Lab Execution System (LES) is a software approach that makes lab experiments faster, more reproducible, and more efficient. With a LES, experiments can be automated, minimizing manual work. In addition, the system can document all steps and decisions, improving the reproducibility of experiments. A LES can also help make better use of resources such as chemicals and equipment and improve the quality of experiments. With an LES, all data generated during an experiment can be centralized and managed, making it easier to analyze and share data.

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Digital inventory management

Dec 20, 2022 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in Lean Lab, Digitalisation, Platform, _Platform, iLES, Cloud Technology


Increase your lab's productivity with digital inventory management

Digital inventory management  can significantly improve the productivity of a laboratory - by ensuring that all materials and equipment are reliably available at all times to perform upcoming tests and experiments. One thing is certain: if the lab is constantly lacking materials and equipment, this can lead to delays and interruptions in the workflow, thus affecting the lab's productivity.

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