The Digital Lab

Paul Planje

I have been working since 1992 on subjects such as efficiency and Productivity increase. Initially in the laboratory and research sectors. Here I made my experiences with analytical instruments and automation. With the change to sales, enterprise solutions such as Scientific Data Management Systems (SDMS), Laboratory Information Systems (LIMS), Laboratory Execution Systems (LES), Electronic Laboratory Journals (ELN) and Document Management Systems (DMS) were added. In the last years I was engaged in the digitization of processes and their measurements. Scince 2019 I'm running the iVention DACH region supporting our customers to move into the digital lab world.
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Recent Posts

The iLES Platform: Redefining Productivity, Efficiency, and Digitalization Opportunities

Feb 12, 2024 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Lean Lab, Digitalisation, Platform, iLES


As partners in digital solutions, we understand the complex demands faced by laboratory leaders daily: meeting the highest quality standards, ensuring efficient workflows, and continually fostering innovation. In this highly demanding environment, the iLES Platform is our response today to the challenges of tomorrow – an advanced solution that redefines productivity, efficiency, and digitalization in laboratories. iLES transcends conventional laboratory information management systems, offering an intelligent, fully connected, and flexible laboratory environment tailored precisely to your team's specific needs.

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The 5 Key Trends for Greater Efficiency and Sustainable Work

Jan 15, 2024 1:00:00 PM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Digitalisation, Platform, Digital transformation, Digitalization, _Platform, iLES, Informatics


The start of the new year is the perfect opportunity to take a look at the trends and developments that will shape the field of laboratory digitization in 2024 and beyond. Here are the five key trends to watch:

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The iLES platform

Dec 11, 2023 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Digital transformation, Digitalization, iLES


We at iVention are convinced that the future of research lies in digitalization! With our innovative iLES platform, we support laboratories in their digital transformation with powerful information management. iLES combines state-of-the-art technology with user-friendly, user-oriented concepts. Efficiency, flexibility and innovation are completely redefined by iLES, while you retain control of your data and processes at all times. With iLES, we are setting a new standard for laboratory information management that can make your research more efficient, more secure and more future-oriented. But what exactly does the platform do in day-to-day laboratory operations?

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Process optimization in Lab 4.0

Nov 27, 2023 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in LIMS, Lean Lab, Digitalisation, DigitalTransformation, iLES, Cloud Technology


-the advantages of the iLES platform from iVention

In a laboratory, precise and quickly available data can be the decisive competitive advantage. If you want to break down your data silos and benefit from the many advantages of powerful Lab 4.0 technology - then you should take a look at our iVention iLES platform. iLES goes far beyond traditional data management and offers your laboratory an integrated, scalable platform that fits seamlessly into your laboratory's existing IT infrastructure. With iLES, your laboratory can not only increase the efficiency of ongoing processes, but also ensure compliance with stringent regulatory requirements - while supporting the transition to a completely paperless operation.

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The road to digital lab transformation

Oct 16, 2023 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Planje posted in DigitalTransformation


Your partner on the road to digital lab transformation


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