The Digital Lab

Paul Planje

I have been working since 1992 on subjects such as efficiency and Productivity increase. Initially in the laboratory and research sectors. Here I made my experiences with analytical instruments and automation. With the change to sales, enterprise solutions such as Scientific Data Management Systems (SDMS), Laboratory Information Systems (LIMS), Laboratory Execution Systems (LES), Electronic Laboratory Journals (ELN) and Document Management Systems (DMS) were added. In the last years I was engaged in the digitization of processes and their measurements. Scince 2019 I'm running the iVention DACH region supporting our customers to move into the digital lab world.
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Recent Posts

Digital lab? We do not need it!

Nov 29, 2019 12:00:00 AM / by Paul Planje


If only the media landscape is taken into account, Europe would already be fully digitalised. A real industry 4.0 Wunderland. But if you then look into the reality in the form of a randomly selected company, laboratory or other enterprise, the digitalization is quickly over. It is printed out what the printer is capable of, documents are still filled today as diligently as 30 years ago and the networking of different devices, applications or sectors is at best implemented rudimentarily.
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