The Digital Lab

2021 - The year of digitalization in the lab?

Written by Paul Planje | Jan 7, 2021 12:45:10 PM

The new year is barely a few weeks old and already brings with it the first serious cuts. The Corona virus continues to have a firm grip on Europe - and requires measures that we all probably could not have imagined just 12 months ago. Lockdowns in almost all countries of the European Union, more people than ever before working from home, closed schools and KITAs in emergency operation: the challenges facing society and the economy are immense.

What is certain is that the topic of comprehensive digitization will be at the top of the agenda in 2021, especially in our laboratories. Yes, it must be - because productivity, especially in science and research, must not be subject to the dictates of the virus in these times! The digitization of laboratories, a continuous optimization of processes through the use of state-of-the-art, cloud-based and thus mobile technology is more than ever not just "nice to have". Rather, it is a "must have". Maintaining the performance of our laboratories, even under the most difficult conditions, should be the overriding goal this year.

How do things look for you in the working environment? Do you see digitalization as a powerful answer to the "new reality of life"? Has the efficiency of your work increased due to the Internet of Lab Things? Are you still able to fully participate in the day-to-day activities in the lab despite lockdown and home office? Or do you see more difficulties than benefits from the digitalization of labs? We look forward to a lively exchange of ideas!