The Digital Lab

The Digital Lab: iVention baut seine Dienstleistungen in DACH weiter aus

Written by Paul Planje | Oct 29, 2019 11:00:00 PM
iVention continues to expand its commitment to the German speaking region. After we started with the Core Team in June, we have now, as a second milestone, found a neutral service provider in wega Informatik, who can support our customers during the implementation. With wega Informatik, iVention has experts for the digital laboratory in the DACH region at its disposal. With more than 25 years on the market and more than 50 employees, wega Informatik has the necessary know-how and skilled personnel to successfully support both large and small companies in their projects. This enables us to guarantee our customers the necessary support in the local language for the implementation of the iLES system. The following services are provided by wega Informatik on demand:
- Project Management
- Process and requirement analysis
- Computerized System Validation (CSV) Services
- Connection to Um systems, such as ERP
- Instrument connection
- Customization and configuration for the iLES system
- support

I am very happy to have found a competent service company in wega Informatik. This enables us to support the German-speaking market quickly and with sufficient manpower in the implementation of iLES and digitalization in the laboratory. The vendor neutrality and the broad experience of wega Informatik are a great benefit for our customer. Small, flexible teams enable a fast, economical and efficient implementation and realization of digitization projects.